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At 18, He Taught Us How To Live Before He Died
"Every teenager believes they are invincible," said Zach Sobiech. "It's not the kind of invincible like Superman; it's the kind of invincible like, 'I'll see you in five months.'" Zach didn't have five months. He died of cancer on 20 May 2013, shortly after his 18th birthday. This film gives us glimpses of Zack's enormous capacity for love, his gentle humor, haunting music, and the quiet courage w... posted on May 25 2013, 9,889 reads


Recipes for Recovery
With a tagline that reads, "Where hitting the bottom, begins the climb to new heights," the Delancey Street Foundation is a residential education center for drug addicts and ex-convicts. It currently operates a few facilities across the US, bringing hope and empowerment in communities where people are breaking out of cycles of incarceration and drug abuse . Their mission is rooted in showing resi... posted on May 24 2013, 11,404 reads


A Poet's Take on The Mystery of Existence
"When I start to write, I'm not a guide or teacher; I'm not even a poet. I'm a person far out at sea, and the poem is a raft made of whatever floats past in the water. Those almost accidental rescuing pieces are words, rhythms, musics, ideas, the memory that is mine and the memory that is all of ours and the memory that is held in language itself. The experience of writing, for me at least, isn't ... posted on May 23 2013, 16,853 reads


What To Do When You've Angered Someone
"I was running late. My wife Eleanor and I had agreed to meet at the restaurant at seven o'clock and it was already half past. I had a good excuse in the form of a client meeting that ran over and I wasted no time getting to the dinner as fast as possible. When I arrived at the restaurant, I apologized and told her I didn't mean to be late. She answered: "You never mean to be late." Uh oh, she wa... posted on May 22 2013, 339,853 reads


Values and the Sharing Economy
According to the director of Share The World's Resources, placing greater emphasis on the social and environmental impacts of sharing rather than personal gain, can drive awareness and action on these larger societal issues. Today, the sharing economy runs the gamut from selflessly operated food distribution programs and people pursuing low carbon footprint lifestyles to entrepreneurs seeking to b... posted on May 21 2013, 26,106 reads


Elders & Llamas: A Love Story
It's not everyday that a llama walks into your room. And that's the magic in it! The llamas is question are therapy animals, who visit nursing homes, mental institutions, and rehabilitation facilities to surprise, delight, nuzzle, and be-nuzzled-by the residents. These lovely, funny-faced creatures have received many hours of special training to provide a comforting, affection-inducing presence. A... posted on May 20 2013, 6,789 reads


Hold A Piece Of the Pain: Lessons from My Daughter
"We were in the downtown area of our city when we drove past something I will never forget. Many homeless people were crowded around this broken-down truck. A man on the truck was holding up an orange saying 'Merry Christmas' and throwing out the orange for someone to catch. When I saw people pushing each other to get to the oranges, that made my heart drop. They were fighting for a piece of frui... posted on May 19 2013, 35,009 reads


Wavy Gravy: Saint Misbehavin
"I was asked, in the mid-seventies, to go the Children's Hospital in Oakland and cheer up kids. On the way out the door of my house, someone handed me a red, rubber nose. I discovered it enabled me to get out of myself and be entertaining to the kids. After awhile, I began to paint my face up as a clown. I worked with kids almost every day for about seven years. I had to go to a political rally at... posted on May 18 2013, 4,152 reads


Elemental: Water, Film & the Human Spirit
Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee is a director, producer, musician and composer who set out on a journey around the world to film a documentary about water -- that integral substance that connects us all and sustains life. In this conversation, Emmanuel talks about his practice of focusing on the process rather than the outcome, staying authentic to himself and those he films, and trusting the ripples. He ref... posted on May 17 2013, 4,763 reads


David Foster Wallace's Speech for the Ages
O, the maddening tedium of the everyday responsibilities of adult life! It plagues us because the "default setting" of our mentality is to feel victimized by circumstance. We place ourselves in the center of the universal narrative, making the plot-line all about ourselves. In his 2005 commencement address, novelist David Foster Wallace speaks refreshingly about personal empowerment. The freedom c... posted on May 16 2013, 6,025 reads


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Yoda (The Empire Strikes Back)

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